In addition to accomplishing the mission of recruiting, training and educating, AETC is also responsible for several other areas that are integral parts of the command and directly contribute to the overall Air Force mission.
Medical Services
Two of the Air Forces's largest medical facilities are aligned to AETC. Wilford Hall Ambulatory Surgical Center at JBSA-Lackland, and Keesler Medical Center at Keesler AFB, provide most of the Air Force's graduate medical and dental education, as well as enlisted medical training.
The U.S. Air Force is the Department of Defense’s Executive Agent for the Defense English Language Program and the Defense Language Institute English Language Center. As the Lead Command for DLIELC, AETC manages, operates, funds and provides personnel for DLIELC. DLIELC acculturates and trains international personnel to communicate in English and to instruct English language programs in their countries, trains United States Military personnel in English as a second language, and deploys English Language Training programs around the world in support of DoD Security Cooperation efforts. DLIELC is headquartered at JBSA-Lackland and is currently aligned under the 37th Training Wing.
Security Assistance Training
AETC is the executive agent for all Air Force sponsored international training and education. The command implements and approves Air Force sponsored security assistance training, monitors the progress of training and the welfare of U.S. Air Force-sponsored international students, and provides guidance for Field Services Program introducing international students to American life and culture. Each year AETC members train or facilitate training for more than 5,400 students from more than 135 countries attending more than 7,400 courses in flying, technical, medical and professional education and training.