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1940-4926 Mar 41
The Army activated the Air Corps Technical Training Command at Chanute Field, IL. The command moved to permanent headquarters in Tulsa, OK, in Sep 41.
23 Jan 42
The Army activated the Air Corps Flying Training Command in Washington, D.C., and Maj Gen Barton K. Yount assumed command on 28 Jan.
15 Mar 42
The Army redesignated its training commands as the Army Air Forces Technical Training Command (AAFTTC) and the Army Air Forces Flying Training Command (AAFTC).
16 Apr 42
After moving from Tulsa, OK, HQ AAFTTC opened at Knollwood, NC.
Summer 42
Army Air Forces Technical Training Command developed mobile training for tactical maintenance personnel and aircrews. The mobile training units (MTU) took their training equipment to the receiving organization in trailers or transport aircraft, with each MTU set up to provide instruction on one type of aircraft. By the end of World War II, 163 MTUs had been created to provide field training.
1 Jul 42
Headquarters AAFTC moved to the Texas and Pacific Railway Building in downtown Fort Worth, TX. This building appears in the masthead for this home page and is still standing, located at the intersection of interstate highways 30 and 35.
5 Nov 42
Basic training began at the San Antonio Aviation Cadet Center (later, Lackland AFB). A total of 133 recruits arrived from Tarrant Field in Fort Worth, Texas, to begin training under field conditions. The trainees were quartered in squad tents that were heated with wood-burning stoves and had to enjoy their meals served in mess kits from a field kitchen.
A major advance in flying training occurred with the introduction of separate central instructor schools for pilot, bombardier, navigator, instrument flying, fixed gunnery, and flexible gunnery training.
31 Jul 43
Army Air Forces Technical Training Command prepared for inactivation. Its resources and its technical and basic military training missions transferred to Army Air Forces Flying Training Command. At the same time, the War Department redesignated AAFFTC as the Army Air Forces Training Command. The command now included over 600 training installations and more than a million people.
31 Aug 43
The War Department inactivated AAFTTC.
Jun 45
The Officer Candidate School transferred from the San Antonio Aviation Cadet Center to Maxwell Field, AL.
Sep 45
Navigation training consolidated at Ellington Field, TX, though classes finished out at San Marcos Field, TX, in November; at Hondo Field, TX, in December; and at Selman Field, LA, until early in 1946. When the Army Air Forces announced the closing of Ellington Field early in 1946, the command moved navigation training to Mather Field, CA.
Jan-Feb 46
The command headquarters moved from Forth Worth, TX, to Barksdale Field, LA.
Apr 46
The command experienced a fatality-free month in flying training for the first time in its history.
1 Jul 46
AAFTC redesignated as Air Training Command.
18 Jul 46
The first formal jet transition training course established at Williams Field, AZ, using P-80 (later configured as the T-33) aircraft.
Oct 46
The War Department established air Reserve Officer Training Corps units at 78 schools and universities with an enrollment of about 8,700 students.
Sep 47
Air Training Command combined its primary and basic flying training into a single eight-month course with two phases and added a two-week pre-flight segment. All flying was done in the T-6 "Texan." By the end of the year, Randolph AFB, TX, was the only ATC base providing basic flying training.
18 Sep 47
The USAF established as a separate service.
1 Aug 48
Sheppard AFB, TX, which had been closed since Aug 46, reopened as a basic military training base.
Jan-Feb 49
Helicopters from San Marcos AFB, TX, and a C-47 from Randolph AFB, TX, helped provide medical supplies and food to snowbound families and stranded livestock in Nebraska and Wyoming during Operations Hayride and Snowbound.
1 Mar 49
Helicopter and liaison pilot training transferred from San Marcos AFB, TX, to Waco AFB, TX.
31 Mar 49
Ellington AFB, TX, which had been a bombardier and navigator training base during World War II, reopened for navigator training.
Apr 49
The last aircraft and engine mechanic class entered training at Keesler AFB, MS. Aircraft mechanic training transferred to Sheppard AFB, TX, and basic training ended at Sheppard.
22 Apr 49
The command introduced the T-33 jet aircraft in its single-engine advanced pilot training at Williams AFB, AZ.
Oct 49
Air Training Command headquarters moved from Barksdale AFB, LA, to Scott AFB, IL.
14 Nov 49
Flying and Technical Training Divisions, which had been subcommands since Nov 46, were inactivated, and HQ ATC became directly responsible for its 17 active bases.

1950-5925 Jun 50
The outbreak of the Korean conflict resulted in skyrocketing USAF training requirements. Subordinate commands within ATC were reinstituted. Flying Training Air Force was formed at Waco, TX, in 1951; Technical Training Air Force in July of that year at Gulfport, MS; and Crew Training Air Force was created in Mar 52 at Randolph AFB, TX. These three commands were discontinued by mid-1958.
3 Jul 50
USAF directed implementation of crew training in ATC, including instruction of fighter, bomber, and interceptor students.
15 Nov 50
Sampson AFB, NY, became a basic military training center when Lackland AFB became seriously overcrowded as the number of men in basic training increased dramatically. More than 19,000 men were sleeping in tents at Lackland, and Senator Lyndon B. Johnson's investigating subcommittee severely criticized the Air Force for accepting more recruits than it could handle. Overcrowding was remedied by reducing basic training from 13 to 8 weeks, suspending enlistments for 2 weeks, and opening additional basic military training centers.
4 Jan 51
Interceptor crew training started at Tyndall AFB, FL.
8 Mar 51
HQ ATC added a new function to its structure, the Guided Missile Training Division.
1 Aug 51
Parks AFB, CA, became a basic military training center.
27 Oct 51
The 3320th Retraining Group was established at Amarillo AFB, TX. The group conducted a program that provided selected Air Force prisoners with an opportunity for restoration to duty. The first retrainees arrived in Feb 52.
31 Mar 52
The command reached its peak military and civilian strength during the Korean conflict; 300,600 men and women, including 133,541 pipeline students, were assigned.
22 Dec 52
B-47 training started at Pinecastle AFB, FL, when Class 53-6A entered combat crew training.
1 Jul 53
BMT input to Parks AFB, CA, was suspended to allow phaseout.
27 Jul 53
Korean conflict ended. During this conflict, the command graduated 11,947 basic pilots.
20 Oct 53
ATC became responsible for directly supporting Air Defense Command in defending the United States against an air attack.
1 Jan 54
Pinecastle AFB, FL, and the B-47 combat crew training mission transferred to Strategic Air Command (SAC).
6 Mar 54
Secretary of Defense Charles E. Wilson directed the Air Force to assume operational control of Air Force recruiting not later than 1 Jul 54.
11 Mar 54
USAF assigned its recruiting mission to ATC.
12 May 54
Class 55-M at Marana AB, AZ, became the first to use T-34 and T-28 aircraft in primary contract pilot training.
19 Jul 54
Atomic, biological, and chemical warfare delivery training for bomber crews began at Randolph AFB, TX, when Class 54G-ABCD entered training.
1 Sep 54
ATC became responsible for Air Force resident survival training at Stead AFB, NV, and assumed command of the base.
Dec 54
Air Training Command adopted the abbreviation "ATC" instead of "ATRC" after Air Transport Command became Military Air Transport Service in Jun 48.
28 Jan 55
The procurement of nurses was added to the command's and the recruiting wing's missions.
1 Jul 56
The basic military training school which opened 15 Nov 50 at Sampson AFB, NY, was discontinued.
13 Aug 56
Air Training Command was assigned the responsibility for recruiting medical specialists.
1 Jan 57
Parks AFB, CA, transferred from the command, ending basic military training there. Lackland AFB, TX, was the single site for basic military training.
8 Apr 57
Instructor training for "Project Palm," an evaluation of Cessna's T-37 as a primary trainer, began at James Connally AFB, TX.
25 Jun 57
The field training concept, which had been tested for 14 months, was adopted to supplement and eventually supplant the mobile training program that had been a command function since 7 Jul 43.
2 Sep 57
The relocated Air Training Command headquarters was officially opened at Randolph AFB, TX.
1 Jul 58
Luke and Williams AFB, AZ, and Nellis AFB, NV, together with assigned fighter crew training missions, transferred to Tactical Air Command (TAC). McConnell AFB, KS, its bomber and nuclear weapons training programs, transferred to SAC. Additionally, the tanker aircrew training mission, located at Randolph AFB, TX, transferred to SAC. As a result of these transfers, ATC lost 762 aircraft.
1 Nov 58
The responsibility for negotiating with primary flying school contractors was transferred from Air Materiel Command to Air Training Command.
1 Sep 59
Management of Air Force training for foreign students was reassigned from HQ USAF to ATC. Military Assistance Program (MAP) and Latin American programs were now monitored and administered by ATC.
10 Apr 59
Northrop's twin-jet T-38, destined to replace the T-33 as a basic pilot training vehicle, was flown for the first time.
27 Nov 59
The first Officer Training School (OTS) class--94 students, entered training at Lackland. ATC operated both OTS and the Officer Candidate School (OCS) between 1959 and 1963. OCS was discontinued on 1 Jul 63. It's final class, 64D, graduated on 21 Jun 63.

1960-691 Apr 60
USAF officially approved the concept of consolidating all phases of pilot training on seven bases, using military instructors throughout the course
23 Jun 60
Flying activities at Brooks AFB, TX, ended. To that date, Brooks had the oldest continuously active flying establishment in the nation. Its flying mission dated back to World War I
Oct 60
ATC motto contest ended with the selection of "Prepare the Man", the motto submitted by Joan W. Bellah, wife of 1Lt Connie G. Bellah of Greenville AFB, MS. Mrs Bellah's entry, one of over 2,000, earned an award of a $500 US Savings Bond. A board of senior officers in HQ ATC selected the command motto, which was adopted because it was all-inclusive concerning the ATC mission. Motto was registered with USAF on 2 Dec 60.
21 Apr 61
Lt Clement E. Bellion, Jr., veteran of six years service as a navigator, made his initial flight in a T-37 at Craig AFB, AL. Bellion was the first UPT student to solo in a T-37
14 Sep 61
Class 62-B, the last group of students who started primary pilot training at contract schools, completed basic in T-33s at Air Force bases.
9 Oct 61
Lt Raymond H. Vos, participating in the T-38 test at Randolph AFB, became the first student to solo in a supersonic aircraft.
25 Oct 61
The last pilot aviation cadet graduated in Class 62-B at Webb AFB, TX. This ended aviation cadet pilot training, begun early in World War II. The cadet was William F. Wesson. The last class entering cadets was 61-G2 which graduated on 23 Jun 61. Cadet Wesson broke his leg, however, and did not graduate until Class 62-B.
3 May 62
ATC's PATH FINDER study ended. Formed late in 1961, its purpose was to evaluate ATC's ability to meet future training needs. While not related directly to increased needs in Southeast Asia, it proved useful later in meeting problems arising from those needs.
6 Jun 62
Undergraduate Navigator Training (UNT) at Harlingen AFB, TX, ended with the graduation of Class 62-22N. Thereafter, all new navigators were to be trained at James Connally AFB.
1 Jul 62
Command communications functions were transferred from ATC to Air Force Communications Service.
3 Aug 62
Class 63-A, the first class to receive T-38 training at a UPT base, graduated at Webb AFB.
21 Jun 63
Class 63-D, the final OCS class, graduated. General H. H. Arnold had established OCS on 21 Feb 42. The final graduate was 2Lt Fernando Zepeda; the school had produced an estimated 42,500 graduates.
22 Oct 63
Class 64-C, the first to be trained in the T-38, graduated at Reese AFB, TX.
5 Mar 64
The last cadet class (65-15) entered UNT at James Connally AFB.
10 Aug 64
ATC began deploying weapons mechanic officers and airmen to Southeast Asia for 179 days TDY under Project Top Dog.
2 Oct 64
With the enlistment of John J. Jankas, Jr., Chicago, the USAF Recruiting Service recruited the one millionth male enlistee since it became an independent agency. The oath was given by Lt Gen William S. Stone, HQ USAF DCS/Personnel, in Chicago's City Hall, with Mayor Richard J. Daley hosting the affair.
28 Dec 64 - 8 Jan 65
Stead AFB furnished 27 helicopters and 130 personnel to assist civil emergency relief work for victims of floods in northern California and southern Oregon.
1 Apr 65
The Air Force's first standard major air command computer system, using Honeywell H-800/200 equipment, was adopted by ATC at Randolph AFB.
1 Jul 65
HQ USAF Recruiting Service, formerly located at Wright-Patterson AFB, began operating at Randolph AFB.
3 Aug 65
With General Momyer at the controls of a Randolph-based T-38, ATC officially recorded the 500,000th flying hour in Talon trainers.
28 Feb 66
Responsibility for all Reserve and Air National Guard basic military training was transferred from Lackland AFB to Amarillo AFB.
3 Mar 66
The flow of trainees to Chanute and Sheppard AFBs for eight days of basic military instruction was diverted to Amarillo AFB. Chanute and Sheppard thereby stopped conducting basic military training.
12 May 66
ATC acquired Medina Base (sometimes known as Lackland Annex) to house part of the Officer Training School, sentry dog training, a combat confidence course, and air police training.
30 Jun 66
The USAF Chaplain School relocated from Lackland AFB to Maxwell AFB, where Air University assumed responsibility for the function.
26 Jan 67
The one millionth flying hour was flown in the T-38 at Randolph AFB. ATC's commander, Lt Gen Sam Maddux, Jr., and Col Woodard E. Davis, Jr., Commander, 3510th Flying Training Wing, made this historic flight.
3 Feb 67
The last class of the Medical Service School graduated at Gunter AFS, AL. The relocation of the school from Gunter to Sheppard AFB started in Mar 66. The graduation class was composed of 30 students. All future training would be conducted at Sheppard AFB.
1 Mar 67
The Medical Service School completed its move from Gunter to Sheppard AFB.
30 Jun 67
The Air Force Surgeon General, Lt Gen R. L. Bohannon, presented a diploma to the 100,000th student graduate, SSgt Vincent E. Woznaik, from the Medical Service School, since its inception in 1950.
1 Jul 66
The USAF Language School, which had been established at Lackland AFB on 1 Jan 60, was discontinued. In its place, the Army operated the Defense Language Institute at Lackland AFB.
Aug 69
Keesler AFB personnel helped in relief and recovery operations after Hurricane Camille struck the Gulfport, MS, area on 17 Aug 69.

1970-7911 May 70
Fourteen T-41s were destroyed and three badly damaged by a devastating tornado that struck the Lubbock, TX, area, mauling the T-41 inventory available to Reese's 3500th Pilot Training Wing.
Aug 71
Project Peace Echo, which started 3 Apr 68, concluded. During the period of its existence, ATC trained 1,297 Israeli Air Force personnel on the F-4 aircraft. That included aircrew transition training, as well as aircraft maintenance and systems training.
1 Apr 72
The Community College of the Air Force established at Randolph AFB. Ultimately, CCAF would confer associate degrees for completion of established programs of study based on the technical courses offered by the command.
Aug 72
Sgt Linda S. Blackley recommended changing the command motto to "Prepare the Airman."
9 Sep 72
Lt Gen George B. Simler and his aide, Capt Gil L. Gillespie, were killed on takeoff from Randolph AFB. General Simler was enroute to assume command of the Military Airlift Command at Scott AFB, IL.
Dec 72
Southern Association of Colleges and Schools accredited Schools of Applied Aerospace Sciences at Keesler, Lackland, and Sheppard AFB; the USAF Security Service School at Goodfellow AFB, TX; and the School of Health Care Sciences, USAF, at Sheppard AFB.
13 Feb 73
Lackland, Keesler, and Sheppard, ATC's three Reception Processing Centers for Project Homecoming, were declared ready.
28 Mar 73
North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools announced accreditation of the Schools of Applied Aerospace Sciences at Chanute AFB, IL, and Lowry AFB, CO.
1 Apr 73
Final groups of former prisoners of war landed at ATC's Project Homecoming bases.
23 Sep 74
The last class of Vietnamese T-41 students graduated.
29 Oct 74
The Air Training Command motto "Prepare the Man" was discontinued.
11 Apr 75
The last class of Vietnamese T-37 student pilots graduated at Sheppard AFB.
28 Nov 75
HQ USAF approved joint Air Force, Navy, Coast Guard, and Marine Corps navigator training at Mather AFB.
1 Dec 75
Dual management of military women in ATC officially ended when the command's last WAF Squadron Section was inactivated at Mather AFB.
14 Jul 76
President Gerald R. Ford approved enabling legislation authorizing the Community College of the Air Force to grant associate-level degrees for college-level academic study. On 9 Dec, the US Office of Education Advisory Committee also voted to extend this privilege to the Community College of the Air Force.
26 Aug 76
The first of two groups of 10 women pilot candidates began flight screening at Hondo Municipal Airport prior to entering undergraduate pilot training at Williams AFB on 29 Sep 76.
30 Nov 76
Capt Connie J. Engel became the first female USAF officer to complete a solo flight in UPT.
12 Jan 77
The US Commissioner of Education made the landmark decision formally authorizing the ATC commander to grant the Associate Degree in Applied Sciences to graduates of the Community College of the Air Force. This marked the first time that a military agency was given the authority to grant degrees to members of the enlisted force.
Jan 77
The ATC commander established the "Buck Stop" program as a formal effort within ATC to move decision-making to the lowest possible level of command.
18 Mar 77
All 10 members of the first group of women undergraduate pilot students completed Phase I, T-37 training, and began Phase II, flying the supersonic T-38 Talon.
30 Mar 77
The position of Commander, Air Training Command, was elevated to the grade of general. Gen John W. Roberts received his fourth star and became ATC's first four-star commander.
25 Apr 77
Community College of the Air Force awarded its first college degrees in ceremonies at Lackland AFB, marking the first time enlisted service members received college degrees issued by the military. (1 Apr - 1 Jun 79 Community College of the Air Force relocated from Lackland Training Annex to Maxwell AFB.)
2 May 77
1Lt Christine E. Schott became the first female UPT student to solo in the T-38 aircraft.
2 Sep 77
The tradition of an all-male USAF pilot force ended when 36 male and 10 female officers received their wings at Williams AFB.
12 Oct 77
The first five women navigators in the Air Force, members of UNT Class 78-01, received their wings, along with one female Coast Guard class member.
8 May 78
Five civilians entered the ATC NCO Academy, becoming the first civilians to attend the NCO Academy.
15 May 78
ATC assumed command of Air University, previously a separate major command, headquartered at Maxwell AFB.
18 Dec 78
The Southern Association of Colleges and Schools accredited all of the ATC NCO Leadership Schools.
31 Jan 79
ATC assumed responsibility for the Rotary Wing Qualification Course at Fort Rucker, AL. The course, formerly a Military Airlift Command responsibility, trained fixed-wing pilots to fly helicopters.
31 Dec 79
ATC completed 1979 with no aircraft accident fatalities. This was the first year in which the command had no fatalities in aircraft accidents.

1980-8929 May 80
1Lt Mary L. Wittick became the first woman to enter USAF helicopter pilot training with UPT-H Class 81-05 at Fort Rucker, AL.
11 Jun 80
The Secretary of Defense announced that Euro-NATO Joint Jet Pilot Training (ENJJPT) would be conducted at Sheppard AFB.
12 Dec 80
The Southern Association of Colleges and Schools voted unanimously to accredit the Community College of the Air Force as a degree-granting institution, ending two and one-half years of evaluation and consideration.
1 Oct 81
The ENJJPT program began at Sheppard AFB.
17 Dec 82
CMSgt Bobby G. Renfroe became the first enlisted man named as the Senior NCO Academy commandant.
1 Jul 83
Air University was realigned from ATC and redesignated as a major air command. Two primary education functions remained under ATC--Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps and Community College of the Air Force. With the realignment of AU, ATC also lost Maxwell AFB and Gunter AFS.
11 Feb 85
Official roll-out of the T-46A Next Generation Trainer.
2 Sep 85
Hurricane Elena struck the Gulf Coast near Keesler AFB causing extensive damage; however, most of the technical training facilities were spared. Training came to a halt, and HQ ATC directed Lackland not to send BMT graduates to Keesler for several days. The interruption in training lasted less than a week.
1 Oct 85
Formal beginning of the PACER CLASSIC program for upgrading the T-38.
20 Nov 85
The first female student to enter ENJJPT, Ensign Petronella Speerstra from The Netherlands, began training in Class 87-02. This was a significant development as the NATO course was designed to produce fighter pilots.
1 Jan 86
Air Training Information Systems Division was activated to integrate the management of information. Air Force Communications Command exercised administrative management of the unit, while ATC retained operational control. ATC's DCS/Information Systems, the 3302d Computer Services Squadron, AFCC's Detachment 7, and other local AFCC resources went into the formation of ATISD.
15 Jul 86
Specialized undergraduate navigator training (SUNT) replaced the standard navigator training, when the new course began at Mather AFB. Under SUNT, the students received a 65-day core program, then moved to one of three training tracks--fighter, attack, reconnaissance; tanker, transport, bomber; or electronic warfare training.
28 Aug 86
When Lt Gen John A. Shaud assumed command of ATC, the position reverted to a three-star billet. The command would regain a four-star commander's billet in 1992 with the assignment of Gen Henry Viccellio, Jr., as commander.
9 Oct 86
ATC initiated an undergraduate space training program at Lowry AFB, CO, providing a basic preparation for space operational assignments.
1 Nov 86
Air Training Information Systems Division was redesignated as Air Training Communications Division.
14 Nov 86
ATC reassigned Officer Training School from the headquarters to the Air Force Military Training Center at Lackland AFB.
1 Jan 87
HQ ATC realigned its Readiness Division from DCS/Plans and Requirements to DCS/Operations, and DCS/Operations became DCS/Operations and Readiness.
16 Feb 87
The Army and Air Force combined medical assets in the San Antonio area to form the San Antonio Joint Military Medical Command (SA-JMMC), with the unit assigned to HQ ATC. JMMC included the Air Force's largest medical center, Wilford Hall, and the Army's second largest medical facility, Brooke Army Medical Center. To assist with the headquarters management, ATC activated the 3313th Medical Services Squadron at Randolph on 1 March.
1 Apr 87
HQ ATC disestablished its Assistant Chief of Staff (ACS), Commissioning Programs, moving the responsibility to the DCS/Recruiting Service, which became the DCS/Recruiting Service and Commissioning Programs. Recruiting also gained management responsibility for Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps and Officer Training School. The ACS/Commissioning Programs' responsibilities for CCAF moved to the DCS/Technical Training. Responsibility for undergraduate space training moved from DCS/Technical Training to DCS/Operations.
30 Apr 87
The Air Force implemented Rivet Workforce, a service-wide program to create a more flexible, survivable, and mobile workforce better able to support the USAF fighting needs across the full spectrum of possible conflict.
8 Jun 87
The Foreign Military Training Affairs Group became a direct reporting unit of DCS/Plans and Requirements instead of reporting to the ATC commander.
26 Jun 87
DCS/Plans and Requirements gained responsibility for the Defense Language Institute English Language Center and Euro-NATO Joint Jet Pilot Training.
1 Oct 87
ATC activated the Civilian Automated Training Office (CATO) at Lackland AFB to centralize all civilian training activities in the command.
Nov 88
General Robert C. Oaks, the ATC commander, directed a broad area review of all undergraduate and graduate training programs in the command "to improve the quality of flying training through the next decade…."
1 Apr 89
ATC inactivated the San Antonio Contracting Center (SACC). SACC had been created in 1977 to provide centralized contracting support for the military installations in the San Antonio area. Contracting responsibilities reverted to each of the bases.
1 May 89
ATC inactivated the 3306th Test and Evaluation Squadron at Edwards AFB, CA, and activated the 3306th Training Development and Evaluation Squadron in its place. The new designation better described the mission of the unit, which was to evaluate weapon systems from a training perspective.
Aug 89
Because of its success with the flying training broad area review (BAR), ATC announced that it would undertake a BAR of technical training.
1 Oct 89
ATC inactivated the San Antonio Real Property Maintenance Agency (SARPMA). SARPMA had been formed in 1978 by consolidating the civil engineering (CE) organizations from the city's five military bases. CE responsibilities returned to each of the bases.

1990-99May 90
The Chief of Staff of the Air Force directed a reduction in the size of Air Force management structure. During the year, HQ ATC realigned its DCS/Security Police as a directorate under the Inspector General, reassigned many of its direct reporting units to the newly activated 3300th Training Support Group, and inactivated the 3313th Medical Service and 3314th Management Engineering Squadrons.
10 Aug 90 - 4 Jan 91
ATC deployed 397 people to the Persian Gulf in support of Operation Desert Shield and provided additional people to backfill other commands in the United States.
1 Oct 90
ATC redesignated the Foreign Military Training Affairs Group at Randolph AFB as the Air Force Security Assistance Training Group. On this date, the command also inactivated the DoD Military Working Dog Agency at Lackland AFB to centralize the procurement and training of working dogs for all of the military services.
Jan - Mar 91
ATC undertook several actions in support of Operation Desert Storm. These included deploying over 3,000 people to other commands and helping with the mobilization of thousands of reservists and retirees. The 11th Contingency Hospital, an Air Force Reserve unit assigned to ATC, deployed to RAF Little Rissington, United Kingdom. The command also established blood donor centers at Chanute, Keesler, Lackland, and Sheppard. By the end of April, the command had shipped over 6,000 pints of blood.
5 Apr 91
ATC initiated a new merit assignment ranking system that allowed UPT students to select their assignments.
1 Jul 91
ATC reassigned the 1st Flight Screening Squadron at Hondo, Texas, from the Officer Training School at Lackland to the 12th Flying Training Wing at Randolph AFB.
15 Jul 91
The 502d Air Force Band at Keesler AFB and the 505th at Chanute AFB inactivated, leaving ATC with one band, the 539th at Lackland AFB.
1 Oct 91
The San Antonio Joint Military Medical Command inactivated, and Wilford Hall became a direct reporting unit to HQ ATC. Also on this date, ATC inactivated Air Training Communications Division as the last step in its effort to integrate communications and computer systems functions.
18 Jan 92
Air Training Command receives its first T-1A Jayhawk trainer aircraft at Reese AFB, Texas. With the T-1A, ATC would implement its new specialized undergraduate pilot training program. Phase I training began at Reese in July.
20 Feb 92
In testimony before the House Armed Services Committee, Chief of Staff of the Air Force, Gen Merrill A. McPeak, announced that 1992 would be devoted to the Year of Training.
1 Apr 92
The Community College of the Air Force graduated its 100,000th student, TSgt Gordon J. Wiese.
29 Apr 92
The Air Force announced it had chosen a variant of the Slingsby Firefly as its enhanced flight screener aircraft. The new aircraft, designated the T-3A, would replace the T-41.
23 Aug 92
Hurricane Andrew devastated Homestead AFB, Florida. As an interim measure, the Air Force moved the Inter-American Air Forces Academy to Lackland AFB, Texas, and water survival training to Tyndall AFB, Florida. As a result of the 1993 Base Realignment and Closure Commission recommendations, IAAFA was permanently moved to Lackland, transferring from Air Combat Command to Air Training Command in June 1993. Water survival training moved to Naval Air Station Pensacola, Florida, in 1994.
1 Dec 92
USAF weather training classes began at Keesler AFB, Mississippi, after moving from Chanute AFB, Illinois, which was scheduled to close in 1993.
15 Dec 92
The 12th Flying Training Wing at Randolph AFB, Texas, activated the 558th Flying Training Squadron to conduct specialized undergraduate navigator training, a mission that was moved to Randolph because of the 1993 closure of Mather AFB, California.
12 Apr 93
The Air Staff approved moving small missile maintenance training from Lowry AFB, Colorado, which would close in 1994, to Vandenberg AFB, California, where it would be consolidated with large missile maintenance training.
1 Jul 93
Air Training Command and Air University underwent significant changes. The USAF consolidated aircrew training within ATC and transferred associated bases from Air Combat Command and Air Mobility Command. AU lost its major command status when it is subordinated to Air Training Command, and ATC was redesignated as Air Education and Training Command. The command activated Second Air Force to manage its technical training programs and Nineteenth Air Force to manage its flying training programs. The training centers were redesignated as training wings, and Wilford Hall USAF Medical Center became the 59th Medical Wing.
16 Aug 93
Fire training began at Goodfellow AFB, Texas, after moving from Chanute AFB, Illinois.
8 Sep 93
AETC began a joint pilot training program with the Navy at Reese AFB, Texas. Navy instructor pilots arrived at Reese in September, and the first students entered the program in June 1994.
1 Oct 93
Chanute, Mather, and Williams AFBs closed.
The USAF’s Officer Training School moved from Lackland AFB to Maxwell AFB, Alabama.
15 Dec 93
AETC activated the College for Enlisted Professional Military Education as an AU subordinate unit to consolidate enlisted PME under a single manager. Major command NCO academies and the USAF Senior NCO Academy came under the newly established CEPME.
3 Feb 94
Air Education and Training Command received its first T-3A enhanced flight screener aircraft at Hondo Field, Texas.
10 Feb 94
1st Lt Jeannie Flynn became the Air Force's first female fighter pilot, having graduated from F-15E combat crew training at Luke AFB, Arizona.
17 Mar 94
As a part of the Year of Training initiative, all new recruits had to attend technical training school immediately following basic military training. The last recruit to bypass technical training and receive a direct duty assignment graduated from BMT on this date.
1 Apr 94
The 56th Fighter Wing designation transferred from Air Combat Command to Air Education and Training Command, and AETC used it to assume the assets and host unit responsibilities of the 58th Fighter Wing at Luke AFB, Arizona. At the same time, AETC moves the 58th Fighter Wing designation from Luke to Kirtland AFB, New Mexico, and redesignated it as the 58th Special Operations Wing. The 58th assumed the assets and the mission of the 542d Crew Training Wing, which inactivated on this date.
22 Jun 94
Air Education and Training Command began C-17 operational aircrew training at Altus AFB, Oklahoma.
1 Jul 94
Flying training returned to Keesler AFB, Mississippi, for the first time since 1973 when AETC activated the 45th Airlift Squadron. The squadron was equipped with C-12 and C-21 aircraft.
6 Jul 94
The 59th Medical Wing (formerly, Wilford Hall USAF Medical Center) at Lackland deployed nearly 100 staff members to Grand Turk Island in support of Operation Sea Signal, the resettlement of Cuban and Haitian refugees. Altogether, AETC deployed 487 people during the last six months of 1994 to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and the Caribbean in support of Sea Signal.
Sept 94
The 58th Special Operations Wing at Kirtland deployed 27 people in support of Operation Restore Democracy in Haiti.
1 Oct 94
Lowry AFB, Colorado, closed.
Air Education and Training Command activated the 381st Training Group at Vandenberg AFB, California, to manage consolidated space and missile training for the Air Force.
27 Jan 95
The first joint specialized undergraduate pilot training class graduated at Reese AFB, Texas, with two Navy officers in the class.
31 Mar 95
Air Education and Training Command inactivated the 550th Fighter Squadron at Luke AFB, Arizona, as its F-15E training program transferred to Air Combat Command.
Apr 95
The Community College of the Air Force granted its first degrees to Army, Navy, and Marine Corps students.
19 Apr 95
Luke AFB, Arizona, sent 62 firefighters to Oklahoma City to assist with rescue efforts following the car bombing of the federal building. Three aircraft from Randolph AFB, Texas, flew emergency support missions to transport US Army and USAF medical personnel to Oklahoma City to assist victims of the federal building bombing.
22 Jun 95
The Base Realignment and Closure Commission identified Reese AFB, Texas, for closure in 1997. AETC would move its joint pilot training program to Vance AFB, Oklahoma, during 1996.
Secretary of the Air Force Sheila Widnall announced the selection of the Beech MK II as the Joint Primary Aircraft Training System. AETC expected the first aircraft to be delivered to Randolph AFB in fiscal year 1999.
14 Dec 95
The 59th Medical Wing at Lackland AFB deployed two critical care transport teams, consisting of three people each, to Bosnia.
25 Jan 96
The 14th Flying Training Wing at Columbus AFB, Mississippi, received its first T-1A Jayhawk, the last specialized undergraduate pilot training (SUPT) wing to do so. The delivery marked the end of AETC’s transition to SUPT that began in January 1992.
28 Mar 96
A U.S. Navy commander took command of the 8th Flying Training Squadron, becoming the first Navy officer to command a squadron at Vance AFB, Oklahoma.
31 Jul 96
The Air Force awarded three contracts worth $750 million for the T-38 Avionics Upgrade Program, which included improved avionics systems, new aircrew training devices, and contractor logistics support.
Aug 96
Lackland AFB began a month-long, over-night, field training exercise for basic trainees at “Diamondback Ridge,” a simulated bare base located on Medina Annex.
1 Apr 97
AETC took over the C-130 schoolhouse when it gained the 314th Airlift Wing and Little Rock AFB, AR from ACC.
2 May 97
With the graduation of Class 97-08 at Columbus AFB, MS, AETC completed the transition to specialized undergraduate pilot training that the command had begun in July 1992 at Reese AFB, TX.
25 Jul 97
General Lloyd W. Newton, AETC commander, suspended all T-3A flights and ordered a Broad Area review of the Enhanced Flight Screening program. The move followed the three fatal T-3A crashes at the Air Force Academy.
12 Sep 97
Air University activated the Air and Space Basic Course (ABC) School at Maxwell AFB, AL. Later it became the Aerospace Basic Course under the Squadron Officer College.
30 Sep 97
AETC inactivated the 64th Flying Training Wing at Reese AFB, TX before the base closed the following day.
15 Jul 98
The initial flight of the first production T-6A Texan II took place at Raytheon’s Beech Field in Wichita, KS. Eventually, the T-6A would replace the Air Force’s T-37 and the Navy’s T-34 as the main element of the Joint Primary Aircraft Training System (JPATS).
7 Dec 98
The U.S. Department of Education gave its approval for the resident Air War College (AWC) and Air Command and Staff College (ACSC) to award master’s degrees to their graduates.
1 Oct 99
AETC initiated Warrior Week at Lackland AFB to give basic military trainees a taste of life under the Expeditionary Aerospace Force (EAF) concept. It marked the biggest change in basic military training in over 50 years.
8 Oct 99
AETC announced an end to T-3A flying training operations. In place of the Enhanced Flight Screening program, the command intended to expand the fledgling Introductory Flight Training program conducted by fixed base operators across the country.

2000-2003Jan 00
Air Education and Training Command (AETC) was designated the gaining command for the 301st Fighter Squadron at Luke AFB, Arizona . The Air Force Reserve unit, together with its assigned personnel, was ordered to extended active duty.
Jan 00
The first section of what came to be known as Frank Tejeda Estates opened with great fanfare at the Medina Annex at Lackland AFB, Texas , the command’s first foray into privatized construction for base housing.
Feb 00
The CV-22 Osprey, touted as the “future of Air Force Special Operations,” arrived at Kirtland AFB, New Mexico, to begin operational testing.
Mar 00
When he completed the F-16 basic course, 1st Lt Joshua Padgett became the 50,000th fighter pilot to graduate from Luke AFB, Arizona, since the Army Air Forces started training there in July 1941.
Mar 00
The first production model of the T-6A Texan II Joint Primary Aircraft Training System (JPATS) aircraft arrived at Randolph AFB, Texas.
Apr 00
AETC inactivated the 3rd Flying Training Squadron at Hondo Municipal Airport, Texas, where the command had conducted the Enhanced Flight Screening Program with the T-3A.
Oct 00
The Air Force reassigned the 557th Flying Training Squadron, located at the US Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs,Colorado, from the 12th Flying Training Wing to the Academy.
Dec 00
The 14th Flying Training Wing flew its last AT-38B sortie, bringing an end to the IFF mission at Columbus AFB, Mississippi.
Jan 01
The AETC Air Operations Squadron was inactivated
Apr 01
The 37th Training Wing at Lackland AFB, Texas, assumed responsibility for Kelly AFB’s airfield and the area west of the runway.
May 01
The first of four C-17 aircraft leased to the United Kingdom arrived at RAF Brize Norton, its new home base, following a flight from Charleston ABC, South Carolina.
Jul 01
AETC was designated the gaining command for the 944th Fighter Wing and its subordinate units at Luke AFB, Arizona
Sep 01
After the Federal Aviation Administration shut down the nation’s airways to all but select military flights on 11 September, AETC resumed routine flying operations.
Oct 01
AETC assigned the final flying squadron to the 479th Flying Training Group when it transferred the 435th Flying Training Squadron from the 12th Flying Training Wing at Randolph AFB to Moody.
Oct 01
The 479 Flying Training Group at Moody AFB began the academic phase of JPATS training with the entry of Class 03-01.
Nov 01
The flying phase of the first JPATS course began at Moody AFB, using the T-6A Texan II.
Apr 02
The inaugural joint primary pilot training class at Moody AFB completed its six-month Joint Primary Aircraft Training System (JPATS) course with the T-6A Texan.
Jun 02
AETC adopted new mission and doctrine statements. The new mission statement, “The First Command Recruiting, training, and educating professional airmen to sustain the combat capability of America’s Air Force,” reflected the full range of the AETC mission. The new doctrine statement read, “Professionals integrating innovation and technology to recruit, train, and educate tomorrow’s air and space leaders.”
Dec 02
The Secretaries of the Air Force and Navy agreed to form an alliance between the Air Force Institute of Technology and the Naval Postgraduate School to “rationalize” the programs offered by the two schools, finding more cost-effective ways to meeting the advanced educational needs of each service.
Apr 03
The Air Force Academy (AFA) developed a new flight screening program. The 25-hour program consisted of 19 sorties—2 solo and 17 dual.
Jul 03
AU began a test pairing Air and Space Basic Course students with Senior Non-Commissioned Officer Academy students in an initiative to improve interaction between officers and enlisted personnel within the confines of AU.
Sep 03
Pilots in the initial C-130J cadre began academics training at the 314 AW before proceeding to the Lockheed plant in Georgia for simulator training in September and flying C-130J sorties at Little Rock in October.
Sep 03
The final Army-funded and trained SUPT-H class began at Fort Rucker. On 30 September, the first of four Air Force-funded but Army-contracted training SUPT-H class began, using an Air Force syllabus.
Sep 03
Lt Col Jeffrey Harrigian, 43 FS commander, delivered “Raptor 18,” AETC’s first F/A-22, from the Lockheed Martin assembly plant in Marietta, Georgia, to Tyndall
Oct 03
AETC completed the last of the course moves related to the Center of Excellence (COE) initiative that realigned a number of technical training and enlisted aircrew training courses among the command’s bases to better group similar courses, eliminate temporary duty steps in the training pipeline, and better balance the training load. Begun in January 2002, COE involved the move of 185 manpower authorizations and cost nearly $8 million to complete. In the long term, the command expected to save or avoid costs totaling almost $30 million annually.
Oct 03
The Air Force enlisted its first volunteer, Hector M. Barreto, under the National Call to Service (NCS) program. Under NCS, enlistees agreed to a 15-month active duty enlistment, with 8 years of total obligated service. NCS allowed the services to offer short-term, active duty contracts, but only allowed the Air Force to enlist up to one percent of all new accessions under NCS. Airman Barreto, along with six other NCS recruits, completed BMT on 14 November.
Nov 03
The HQ AETC Crisis Action Team (CAT) stood down after an extended period of service. After the attacks of 11 September 2001, AETC activated the CAT and continued 24/7 operations until 24 September 2002, when General Cook reduced the operation to two, 8-hour shifts on weekdays and a 12-hour shift on weekends and holidays. On 1 October 2003 , CAT members began working a normal duty day and ceased publishing daily situation reports.

2005-200630 Jun 05
The Air Force awarded the T-38 Escape System Upgrade Program to Martin-Baker. 2
9 Aug 05
Hurricane Katrina strikes Gulf Coast. AETC responded by restoring training at Keesler AFB as well as aiding in humanitarian relief efforts.
17 Sep 05
The Air Force's first class of four CV-22 pilots arrived at MCAS New River for training.
Sep 05
AETC kicked off the Balanced Scorecard strategic management system with a four-day workshop during which senior leaders across the command mapped AETC's internal processes and how they related to the mission and commander's vision. General Looney had implemented the system at his previous two commands, and believed in the efficacy of the process.
28 Sep 05
The Defense Acquisitions Board gave full production rate approval for the V-22 program.
30 Nov 05
The Source Selection Authority for the Initial Flight Screening (IFS) program chose Doss Aviation of Colorado Springs, Colorado to conduct the IFS.
1 Jan 06
CSAF approves HQ AETC's A-staff construct (to the 3-digit level). Full implementation occurred in Mar 06.
8 Sep 06
AETC hosted a 60th Anniversary of the Air Force Kickoff event at the Hyatt Hill Country Resort in San Antonio, Texas. This world-class event highlighted the command's capabilities and achievements and featured over 30 exhibitors. A Retired General Officer Summit (RGOS) was held in conjunction with the celebration. Several AETC units, including the 37 TRW, AU, and Air Force Recruiting Service featured interactive displays to demonstrate Air Force capabilities to hundreds of attendees and thousands of additional visitors, including local high school and university students (plus representatives from several Texas area University AFROTC programs).
15 Sep 06
President Bush approves BRAC Commission recommendations. The most significant results for AETC were: the deactivation of the 479 TRG, moving SUPT and IFF from Moody AFB to Columbus, Laughlin, Randolph, Sheppard, and Vance; conversion of Wilford Hall Medical Center to an ambulatory care center and establishment of a Regional Medical Center at Ft Sam Houston; and the consolidation of installation management functions from Randolph and Fort Sam Houston to Lackland.
1 Feb 06
AF senior leadership approved an extension of Air Force Basic Military Training (BMT) from 6 ½ weeks to 8 ½ weeks in order to produce Airmen well-prepared to fight the Global War on Terrorism. The two-week extension allows the addition of expeditionary and war skills training to include Basic Expeditionary Airmen Skills Training (BEAST), a week-long field encampment.
1 Oct 06
The Air Force Doctrine Center was realigned from a Direct Reporting Unit to a subordinate unit reporting to Air University. AETC also initiated the Initial Flight Screening (IFS) program at Pueblo, Colorado. Doss Aviation is the contractor.

2007-2013Feb 07
Upon meeting the required assets available goal, the Kirtland CV-22 training pipeline opened for selected experienced pilots and flight engineers.
2 Feb 07
Pilots from the 435th Fighter Training Squadron, newly returned to Randolph, began training its first class of Introduction to Fighter Fundamentals (IFF) IP students
30 Mar 07
The 49th Fighter Training Squadron at Columbus AFB, Mississippi, started its first IFF class.
20 Apr 07
AETC established the 602d Training Group (Provisional), assigned to Second Air Force, to expedite the in lieu of (later called Joint Expeditionary Training) missions with the U.S. Army.
26 Apr 07
The 3d Flying Training Squadron moved to Vance AFB, Oklahoma to conduct the IFF training mission there. Effective 8 May 07, the 3 FTS was redesignated as the 3d Fighter Training Squadron.
11 Jun 07
The 434th Fighter Training Squadron at Laughlin AFB, Texas, started its first IFF class.
21 Jun 07
As a result of the 2005 Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) commission decision, the 479th FTG inactivated, ending six years of conducting the IFF mission at one location.
Jul 07
The 97th Air Mobility Wing's entire C-5 student load transferred from Altus AFB, Oklahoma, to the 433d Airlift Wing at Kelly Field Annex, Texas. During the same time frame, the last three C-5s left Altus.
Sep 07
Two pilots were selected from each of the SUPT bases to train with a special IFF F-22 Small Group Tryout (SGTO) syllabus at Randolph AFB, Texas. All eight pilots successfully completed the class, which began in October.
Oct 07
The 71st Special Operations Squadron opened its training pipeline for the first graduates of Specialized Undergraduate Pilot Training-Helicopter (SUPT-H) to go directly to CV-22 training.
11 Jan 08
Four student pilots selected for the first F-22 B-Course began F-16 Lead-In Training at Luke AFB and began flying in the F-16 on 1 February.
30 Jan 08
HQ AETC released the White Paper On Learning: the Future of Air Force Education and Training to encourage the development and implementation of advanced, creative learning for the Air Force's greatest assets--its Airmen.
17 Mar 08
The first class of F-22 B-Course students began training at Tyndall.
31 Mar 08
The 80 FTW at Sheppard AFB held an official T-6A arrival ceremony as the Euro-NATO Joint Jet Pilot Training (ENJJPT) program welcomed its first new Texan II trainer.
14 Apr 08
Pilots from the 23rd FTS flew the first two production TH-1H helicopters from the Bell Aerospace Services U.S. Helicopter facility to Fort Rucker, Alabama. AETC officially accepted them on 27 May.
13 Jun 08
Lockheed Martin rec3eived the contract for 14 HC/MC-130Js as part of the aircraft's recapitalization program.
2 Jul 08
General Stephen R. Lorenz assumed command on AETC, replacing retiring commander General William R. Looney III.
Aug 08
The Air and Space Basic Course celebrated its 10th anniversary of instilling an "Airman First" culture among the Air Force's new officers.
25 Aug 08
The Executive Integration Oversight Board agreed to the recommendation to locate the Joint Base San Antonio headquarters at Fort Sam Houston.
1 Oct 08
AETC transferred responsibility for Little Rock AFB, Arkansas, to Air Mobility Command. The 314 AW became a tenant on the base it used to host.
1 Nov 08
The first four F-22 initial qualification students graduated from Tyndall's Raptor formal training unit.
4 Nov 08
The first group of Air Force recruits to go through the extended 8.5 week BMT program arrived at Lackland AFB to enter training.
21 Nov 08
Recent SUPT graduates entered the first Undergraduate Fundamentals Course class as students took their first steps to become Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) pilots.
3 Dec 08
A selection board of senior AETC leaders chose 10 highly experienced pilots as F-35 initial cadre instructor pilots.
15 Dec 08
The first group of trainees to use the $28 million Basic Expeditionary Airman Skills Training course at the Lackland Training Annex began training at the site.
5 Jan 09
The first Beta-test class of new UAS pilot candidates who volunteered from non-rated Air Force career fields entered Initial Flight Screening at Pueblo, Colorado.
5 Feb 09
The Air Force signed the Joint Integrated Training Center Record of Decision, limiting the number of F-35s on Eglin to 59 in an attempt to address noise-hazard concerns from a local community.
Mar 09
Air University launched the new General Education Mobile program to partner with community colleges around the US to bring on-line general education courses to Community College of the Air Force students to facilitate them earning a four-year degree.
9 Apr 09
Headquarters Air Force approved establishing a flying training requirement in Undergraduate Air Battle Manager training, allowing students to receive their wings at the end of undergraduate training like the rest of the rated career fields.
30 Jul 09
The Surgeons General from the Sister Services agreed the Air Force would be the lead service for the Medical Education Training Center at Fort Sam Houston.
1 Aug 09
AETC activated the 502d Air Base Wing at Fort Sam Houston.
30 Sep 09
AETC decided to transfer the space surveillance training programs from Schriever AFB, Colorado, to Vandenberg AFB, California.
1 Oct 09
AETC gained the 33 FW at Eglin AFB, Florida, the wing responsible for the F-35 Joint Integrated Training Center and F-35 pilot and maintenance training.
2 Oct 09
AETC reactivated the 479th Flying Training Group at NAS Pensacola, Florida, as the parent unit for Combat Systems Officer (CSO) training.
17 Nov 09
Lackland broke ground for its first Airman Training Complex as replacements for the Recruit Housing and Training facilities built in the 1960s and 1970s.
6 Jan 10
General Lorenz added "Innovate" to the list of AETC core competencies of Recruit, Train, and Educate.
17 Jan 10
The 97 AMW at Altus answered a request to provide six C-17s and crews to help with relief operations for the earthquake in Haiti. During Operation Unified Response, the ferried relief equipment and supplies to the devastated island and carried evacuees back to the U.S. over the next five days.
10 Apr 10
The Deepwater Horizon mobile oil drilling rig suffered a failure in the Gulf of Mexico 49 miles offshore of Louisiana. Oil continued leading until August, causing a massive oil spill that had disastrous environmental effects on the Gulf Coast. The spill spread as far as NAS Pensacola where it affected the water survival training, parachuting course.
30 Apr 10
Joint Base San Antonio reached initial operational capability when the transfer of the garrison at Fort Sam Houston began with the establishment of the 502d Mission Support Group and seven squadrons.
5 May 10
The first CSO class entered training with the 479 FTG at NAS Pensacola.
Jun 10:
After moving all of its resources to the Air Force Network, Keesler AFB became the first base in the Air Force to decommission its legacy base networks and migrate over 7,000 users, computers, e-mail accounts, and associated application servers to the new system/
22 Jun 10
Officer Undergraduate Cyber training began at Keesler AFB.
24 Jun 10
The Southern Association of Colleges and Schools accredited AU's plan to enable officers to earn a PhD after attending the School of Advanced Air and Space Studies, followed by completing a dissertation in the subsequent three-to-five years.
1 Jul 10
When Wilford Hall Medical Center's General Surgery department relocated to the San Antonio Military Medical Center-North, it stopped accepting trauma or any other inpatients per BRAC direction.
2 Jul 10
Tyndall's final F-15 students graduated from its formal training unit as a part of the plan to reduce the number of the Combat Air Forces' legacy aircraft.
Aug 10
The last class of navigators and combat systems officers graduated at Randolph AFB before the entire program moved to NAS Pensacola.
4 Aug 10
The first Air Force students entered medical training at METC.
1 Oct 10
Joint Base San Antonio reached full operational capability and its final BRAC-mandated milestone when the Army transferred Fort Sam Houston's real property, civilian employees, and budget to the joint base.
17 Nov 10
General Edward A. Rice, Jr. assumed command of Air Education and Training Command on the retirement of General Lorenz.
4 May 11
Randolph AFB, Texas, was selected as the preferred location for the consolidation of the Introduction to Fighter Fundamentals training units.
14 Jul 11
The 33d Fighter Wing at Eglin AFB, Florida, received its first F-35 Lightening II
13 Mar 12
General Rice delivered Kirtland's first MC-130 J.
10 Apr 12
Two F-35A Lightning II pilots from the 33d Fighter Wing completed the first formation flight at Eglin AFB, Florida.
20 Jun 12
General Rice appointed Maj General Margaret Woodward to conduct an independent commander directed investigation into matters relating to training instructor misconduct.
12 Jul 12
HQ 19th Air Force inactivated. All units assigned to 19 AF were reassigned to AETC.
1 Oct 12
The 325th Fighter Wing at Tyndall AFB, Florida, was relieved from its assignment to AETC and was assigned to Air Combat Command (ACC).
15 Aug 13
Headquarters 336th Training Group, Fairchild AFB, Washington, was assigned to Headquarters 58th Special Operations Wing, Kirtland AFB, New Mexico, from AETC.
10 Oct 13
General Robin Rand assumed command of Air Education and Training Command on the retirement of General Rice.