Goodfellow transitions to Health Protection Condition Bravo Published May 27, 2020 By 17th Training Wing 17th Training Wing GOODFELLOW AIR FORCE BASE, Texas -- Goodfellow AFB transitioned from HPCON Charlie to HPCON Bravo May 27. While in HPCON Bravo, our health protection measures will be changing from substantial to moderate. Examples of moderate protection measures include continuing to maintain social distancing and strict hygiene, such as no handshaking and wiping commonly used items and surfaces. Face coverings are still to be worn while in public areas and social gatherings should be limited to no more than 10 people. If you suspect you may be exhibiting COVID-19 related symptoms, self-isolate and please contact your primary care provider. Please be aware, while we have transitioned to a lower health protection measure there is still considered to be a heightened exposure or risk.