AETC focuses on fitness with $2 million in improvements Published Oct. 25, 2007 By Maj. Clay Bridges and Capt. James Lee Air Education and Training Command Comptroller Office RANDOLPH AIR FORCE BASE, Texas -- Despite budget constraints, the Air Education and Training Command commander set aside $2 million for fitness projects, programs and equipment across the command in fiscal 2007. Gen. William R. Looney III, commander of AETC, highlighted fitness as an area of particular focus and emphasis for the command. "Fitness is an important part of our Air Force and I want to continue funding projects that have the greatest benefit to our Airmen and their families," the general said. According to officials in the command's comptroller directorate, AETC received a number of requests for fitness center supplies and equipment. Consistent with the "Focus on Fitness" theme, during 2007 AETC funded many outdoor projects such as tennis courts, fitness pads, athletic fields, and running tracks. AETC first implemented the FOCUS program in fiscal 2002 to target money for specific quality-of-life areas that benefit the most people at each AETC location. For the past five years, AETC has used the program to provide an additional $12 million for family areas, chapels, First Term Airman Centers, Airman and Family Readiness Centers, fitness center equipment, Child Development Centers, and youth programs. "Our commitment is to fund not only our daily business of recruiting, training and educating, but also quality-of-life programs for the command's most valuable asset -- our people," General Looney said.