Ready to Respond Published Aug. 20, 2024 By Adam Prince 14th Flying Training Wing COLUMBUS AIR FORCE BASE, Miss. -- The 14th Flying Training Wing hosted an emergency response table-top exercise on August 15, 2024, at the Columbus Event Center on Columbus Air Force Base, Mississippi, in preparation for the upcoming Thunder Over Columbus Air Show September 21 and 22. The exercise focused on validating the ability of the 14FTW and surrounding emergency response agencies to deploy medical, law enforcement and Fire rescue personnel to a major simulated incident during the upcoming Thunder Over Columbus Air Show “The table-top MARE exercise provided perspective into major roles and responsibilities for key participants while addressing joint force whole-of-community interoperability to ensure successful outcomes,” said James Cross, 14FTW emergency management specialist. “Overall, the TTX focused on operational levels, planning and risk management, incident command and coordination and partnership with both government and civilian elements.” Reviewing a coordinated response plan with local first responders provided perspective for key participants to achieve internal installation integration and external whole-of-community/joint force interoperability through shared mission area actionable outcomes and common core capabilities. “This exercise also allowed senior leadership the ability to look at the three levels of operations in any emergency incident or accident: strategic, operational and tactical,” said Cross. Local cooperating agencies provided inputs to installation leadership that will bolster coordinated response actions to prepare for, mitigate, respond to and recover from the most concerning air show hazards. A key area of focus identified was the need for timely synchronized and open lines of communication to facilitate emergency response efforts. “As we go through crisis response and we start to take initial actions, it is important to think through – who else needs to know? How am I going to communicate it and what’s the intended response action,” said Col. James Blech, 14th FTW commander. “How do we make sure the communication flows in a way that is meaningful for us?” Cross echoed the Wing Commander’s comments about communication. “To be successful in our actions we must be able to know who is in charge, resources, response authorities’ limitations while maintaining overall command and control,” said Cross “We hope for the best but prepare for the worst – it’s just the nature of our profession in emergency management,” said Cross. Additional participants included the Thunder Over Columbus Air Show committee and key operations personnel, Lowndes County Emergency Management, Baptist Memorial Hospital, University of Mississippi Air Care Helo Life Flight Response, Baptist Ambulance Services, Mississippi State Highway Patrol, Lowndes County Sheriff, Columbus PD, and the Red Cross.