87th Flying Training Squadron supports Weapons Instructor Course at Nellis Air Force Base Published Oct. 25, 2024 By Airman 1st Class Harrison Sullivan 47th Flying Training Wing LAUGHLIN AIR FORCE BASE, Texas -- The 87th Flying Training Squadron (FTS) “Red Bulls” supported training at the Weapons Instructor Course (WIC) held at Nellis Air Force Base, Sept. 14 - Sept. 29, 2024. The Air Combat Command (ACC) invited the 87th FTS to showcase how instructor pilots support the operational Air Force mission and provide inter-major command support. WIC brought together different units to train and advance their skills. During the training, WIC tactical experts and leaders worked to control and exploit air, space and cyber on behalf of the joint force. The Red Bulls acted as enemy combatants, enhancing training through offensive and defensive counter-air exercises. The mission emphasized the significance of foundational knowledge and advanced tactical employment. “We integrated with the 6th Weapons Squadron, which is an F-35 squadron and the 433rd Weapons Squadron which is an F-22 squadron, " said Capt. George Frank, 87th FTS flight commander. “The 87th were providing desired learning objectives for those squadrons just by having our aircraft up in the air, so they could try to tackle a problem set behind either offensive or defensive counter air.” This training exercise allowed undergraduate pilot training instructor pilots (IPs) who have never been in the Combat Air Force to experience the way the ACC handles briefing, execution, and debriefing of missions on a daily basis. The experience allowed the IPs to see the flow of different mission sets, and how the training fundamentals at Laughlin carry over to advance air combat training. “The unique opportunity allows us to focus our instructor cadre on what the high-end fight looks like and how to prepare the next generation of pilots,” said Lt. Col. Jonathan Radtke, 87th FTS commander. The team executed dual-location training, achieving 40 sorties with 15 maintainers and 40 IPs. In addition to flying training sorties, the 87th FTS participated in a flyby for 70,000 spectators at the Supercross World Championship, as part of a recruitment effort to inspire the next generation of pilots. The 87th FTS was able to professionally execute the mission at Nellis while keeping up with training demands back at Laughlin with no decrease in production. “One of the objectives that we wanted to do was to execute both home station and off station missions at the same time,” said Radtke. “Being able to execute at two locations at once, but still meet our primary mission is huge.” The 87th FTS’s involvement in supporting WIC not only helped Nellis AFB’s mission to train military personnel to fly, fight, and win. The assignment also allowed the IP’s from the 87th FTS to witness first-hand that their training fundamentals are carried all the way to the most advance level of pilot training. The Red Bulls will continue to execute any mission the Air Force throws at them with absolute precision.