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Tag: Herk Pride
  • JMATS Simulator: Gateway to C-130

    The C-130J Maintenance and Aircrew Training System team teaches the next generation of loadmasters and pilots using simulations to teach the students to perform their job safely and effectively before going to the flight line.
  • Black Knight fulfills dream of serving

    Less than one percent of the population joins the military every year. Some, join the military for school, travel or other benefits. For others, joining the ranks is something that has always been part of their life plan. The latter is true for U.S. Air Force Senior Airman Robert Matthews, 19th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron communication and navigation systems electronic counter measures journeyman.
  • Generation to generation: Carrying on C-130 legacy

    U.S. Air Force Capt. John Rebolledo, 62nd Airlift Squadron C-130J instructor pilot, feels great pride in achieving his childhood dream of becoming a C-130 pilot.
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