Sept. 11, 2023 Kendall outlines China threat in stark detail, offers blueprint for effective response Department of the Air Force Secretary Frank Kendall presented a detailed tutorial Sept. 11 for why the Air Force and Space Force must modernize and adapt quickly to ensure the nation’s security and interests are protected.
Aug. 23, 2023 Air University Emphasizes ‘Prepping the Line’ Initiative Lt. Gen. Andrea Tullos, Air University commander and president, reinforced the U.S. Air Force’s "Prepping the Line" initiative in memorandum to AU commanders, commandants and directors on 11 August.
May 31, 2022 Air Force announces new mustache policy, sister service and joint unit patch update DAF announces dress and appearance policy updates.
May 26, 2022 Air Force announces new mustache policy, sister service and joint unit patch update DAF announces dress and appearance policy updates.
Aug. 7, 2020 New acquisition guidance leverages diverse talent pool for competitive edge The Department of the Air Force issued a new guidance memorandum Aug. 4 that implements policy and standards for establishing anthropometric — or body size — design specifications for all acquisitions programs using current male and female recruitment population data.