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Tag: college
  • New HBCU Scholarships featured on Around the Air Force

    Today’s look Around the Air Force features Jolly Green II aircraft refueling capabilities, new scholarships afforded to students attending historically black colleges and universities and how the Air Force moves towards gear inclusivity. (Hosted by Staff Sgt. Sara Voigt)
  • Education opens doors to opportunity

    During my 35 years of active duty service, I have witnessed a steady increase in the amount of college experience that our enlisted folks are receiving before raising their right hand to serve in today’s United States military.
  • Becoming a student to be a better teacher

    When Staff Sgt. Britteny Griffith, a 316th Training Squadron linguist instructor at Goodfellow, was presented with the opportunity to return to school full time to complete her bachelor's degree, she was thrilled.
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