- The AIM HIGH Flight Academy (AHFA) is a STEAM-based, aviation-focused, motivation and mentorship program designed to increase diversity across rated career fields by reaching high performing high school students involved in youth aviation, STEAM and community outreach programs from strategic partners and pairing them with students nominated by USAFA and AFROTC. The AHFA is a core component of the Chief of Staff of the Air Force’s Rated Diversity Improvement (RDI) strategy and is led by Air Force Recruiting Service, Detachment 1.
- AHFA adheres to all FAA regulations to include safety with the overall goal for students to receive 12-15 flight hours.
- Flight hours will help increase AFROTC and USAFA cadets PCSM score for rated board selection.
- Military members provide program leadership, training methodologies and expectations, mentorship, career briefings, base tours, and orientation flights, giving the students a glimpse into military opportunities and paths to accession.
- For information on How to Apply to AIM High Flight Academy: https://www.recruiting.af.mil/Portals/78/Docs/AHFA%20Flyer%202023.pdf?ver=lkUkPach hHP050Fvk3TqoA%3D%3D×tamp=1663198642566#:~:text=The%20AIM%20HIGH%20Flight%20Academy,classroom%20and%20in%20the%20sky