The Rated Preparatory Program (RPP) provides qualified Airmen an opportunity to gain and strengthen basic aviation skills in advance of testing for flight training. Program participants will receive ground instruction, approximately 7.5 hours of flight time, and approximately 2.5 hours in FAA-certified flight simulators. The program is designed for minimal interference in duties with the allowance of self-paced ground school and a one-week, hands-on flying class to introduce participants to aviation fundamentals. RPP is supported by the Civil Air Patrol (CAP) and Air Education & Training Command (AETC). RPP is not a commissioning program, nor does it guarantee participants will be selected for a particular rated AFSC.
While exploring improved methods of selecting and developing a diverse group of rated officers, the Air Crew Task Force (ACTF) developed the Pilot Preparatory Program (PPP), now renamed the Rated Preparatory Program. This program allowed ACTF to evaluate the impact of ground school and 7-9 hours of flight time on Undergraduate Flying Training (UFT) board scores (Test of Basic Aviation Skills, (TBAS) and Air Force Officer Qualification Test (AFOQT).
In the RPP history, there have been over 132 students selected to a rated career field through the UFT board. Following the program’s success, AETC assumed execution responsibility for the program in FY20 and rebranded the program into RPP to emphasize its intent to increase diversity in all rated career fields (Pilot, Combat Systems Officer, Air Battle Manager and RPA Pilot). In FY21, RPP participation was offered to enlisted Airmen who seek to become part of the Air Force’s rated officer corps and has proven successful in improving AFOQT and TBAS scores by about 40% on average thus improving chances of selection for Air Force flying training programs.
Program Description:
The RPP Panel will select up to 60 candidates.
This board is open to RegAF officer and enlisted personnel.
US Space Force (USSF) Guardians are not eligible to apply. USAF personnel who have not transferred to the USSF but are working in a USSF unit are eligible.
Personnel who have previously attended PPP or RPP are not eligible to apply.
This program is funded by AETC RDI at no cost to the unit. Eligibility – Applicants Must:
Be of high moral character.
Obtain Group Commander (or first O-6 in supervisory chain) approval and endorsement. Score at least minimum passing for the Physical Fitness Test.
Submit scores from the AFOQT and TBAS to receive Pilot Candidate Selection Method (PCSM) upon application to RPP.
Applicants with 5 or less hours of flying time are preferred. Those with more than 5 hours will be considered on a space available basis.
Begin the process to obtain the appropriate Air Force flight commensurate with the rated interest. For example, Initial Flying Class 1 (IFC1) for pilots.
Meet Undergraduate Flying Training (UFT) board requirements post RPP.
(IAW AFMAN 36-2100)
Enlisted requirements:
Complete a bachelor’s degree by the program start date no exceptions.
Individuals are responsible for ensuring they meet the requirements for application to an Air Force Officer commissioning source. (AFMAN 36-2032, Military Recruiting and Accessions, AFMAN36-2100, Military Utilization and Classification, AFMAN 36-2664, Personnel Assessment Program, and AFRS SOPG).
Upon RPP graduation, apply to a commissioning source at the next opportunity. For additional information in inquiries, please contact Ms. Kassandra Hall or Mr. Steven
Thompson by email at
Additional Resources
Latest PSDM Information can be found on MyPers at
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