Air University Office of Sponsored Programs: One-stop shop for collaboration, coordination Published Aug. 16, 2021 By Senior Airman Rhonda Smith MAXWELL AIR FORCE BASE, Ala.-- Air University’s new Office of Sponsored Programs is the one-stop entry point for off-campus stakeholders seeking academic research and expertise and for on-campus academics seeking help finding the best audiences for their research. The OSP also partners with MGMWERX to hold events that showcase students’ academic research, connects external sponsors with an AU Research Task Force to bring outside funds to assist with specific research initiatives and promotes collaboration between the university’s schools and colleges. “For example, we help find subject-matter-expert mentors from around AU for Squadron Officer School’s outstanding advanced research elective. We can help an outside stakeholder find an AU SME for a wargame input. We can help the AFROTC language immersion office find staff rides for cadets to promote good experiences,” said Dr. Stephanie Rollins, OSP’s acquisition program manager. “Our job is to get programs and people together. We provide the resources and connect them with the necessary people to create a partnership that could be beneficial to not only these schools but to all of AU.” OSP also assists AU schools and centers with hands-on guidance on how to utilize different contract vehicles, such as Engineering and Professional Administrative Support Services, or EPASS, to make initiatives happen. It also collaborates with Air University Press to publish AU’s online Wild Blue Yonder journal to highlight significant research by AU students and faculty and external experts. The office is an outgrowth of previous programs, such as the Air University Integration Cell, which connected people and ideas. It is the culmination of continuous process improvement and the evolution of lean processes that help AU stakeholders, both on and off campus. “We want to be the place you call when you want to do something that involves collaboration or coordination with other people and resources,” said Dr. Margaret Sankey, a research coordinator at OSP. “We will make the calls, dig into the possibilities and sort out introductions with the people and organizations who can find additional advantages or support to amplify their event.” For more information, visit the OSP website here or email