March 10, 2022 Kendall, Brown, Raymond outline changes necessary to defend the nation, the need to go fast and succeed Speaking separately at an influential gathering two blocks from the White House March 9, the Department of the Air Force’s highest ranking civilian and military leaders offered emphatic variations on a similar theme – the need to modernize faster, think faster, and nurture the cultures needed to
March 3, 2022 Brown, Raymond highlight strengths, ‘intertwined’ nature of their separate services The senior leaders hosted a "fireside chat" discussing how the Air and Space Forces are designed to work seamlessly and side-by-side to enhance the capabilities of each in protecting the nation’s security and interests.
Jan. 27, 2022 DAF announces Spark Tank ‘22 finalists As the Department’s flagship innovation event, Spark Tank plays a central role in establishing the Department’s strategic mindset for delivering future capabilities.
Jan. 10, 2022 Department of the Air Force launches myEval in 2022 Beginning January 2022, the Department of the Air Force will launch a new enlisted and officer evaluation system application, myEvaluation, to further support ongoing IT and talent management transformations for Total Force Airmen and Guardians.
Jan. 3, 2022 AFCLC launches new introduction to China, Russia courses with certificates on Culture Guide app The Air Force Culture and Language Center recently added Introduction to China and Introduction to Russia culture courses and a video library to its newly updated, free Culture Guide mobile app.
Dec. 14, 2021 Air Force announces Spark Tank 2022 semifinalists A panel of nearly 30 subject matter experts from across the Department of the Air Force met Nov. 16, 2021 at the Basic Research Innovation and Collaboration Center in Arlington and via a virtual teleconferencing platform to conduct the Spark Tank 2022 quarterfinals.
Oct. 15, 2021 Kendall stresses necessity of culture, language skills for building partner alliances in strategic competition “I want to emphasize the important role language training and cultural understanding play in today’s global operations,” Kendall said in his keynote address. “Language is a warfighting capability. Our language-enabled Airmen and Guardians operate in foreign countries around the world, and their
Aug. 24, 2021 Air Force revises wing, vice and group command screening board process This year, the Air Force implemented a revised process for the 2022 wing, vice and group command screening boards to streamline notification, align more closely with joint partners and enhance senior leader talent management. Approximately 24% of all O-6 positions are command billets and half of the
July 2, 2021 Air Force releases cardio and strength fitness assessment alternatives, new online capabilities The Air Force will provide Airmen five physical fitness assessment alternatives — three for the cardio portion and sit-up components and two for the push-up component of the physical fitness assessment beginning in early 2022.
Dec. 15, 2020 Civilian talent acquisition essential to accelerate change for Air, Space Forces The Air Force chief of staff’s direction of "accelerate change or lose" and the accompanying action orders, outline why and how the service must rapidly change in order to remain the most dominant and respected Air Force in the world.